Sensing Introverted (Si) in Jungian typology   

Classical Socionics have some divergences in definitions primarily about Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Sensing (Si) compared with the MBTI-cluster. 

MBTI definitions: Myers & Briggs - Linda Berens and Dario Nardi, Dario Nardi  -  Socionics definitions: Ausra Augustinaviciute, Socionics

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Si in the different typologiesEnneagram, Pearson's Archetypes, Gardner’s intelligences, Scholten's Elements

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Description of Si by Myers & Briggs 

Introverted Sensing: Compares present facts and experiences to past experience. Trusts the past. Stores sensory data for future use.

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Description of Si by Linda Berens and Dario Nardi 

Introverted Sensing often involves storing data and information, then comparing and contrasting the current situation with similar ones.

The immediate experience or words are instantly linked with the prior experiences, and we register a similarity or a difference—for example, noticing that some food doesn't taste the same or is saltier than it usually is.

Introverted Sensing is also operating when we see someone who reminds us of someone else.

Sometimes a feeling associated with the recalled image comes into our awareness along with the information itself. Then the image can be so strong, our body responds as if reliving the experience. The process also involves reviewing the past to draw on the lessons of history, hindsight, and experience.

With introverted Sensing, there is often great attention to detail and getting a clear picture of goals and objectives and what is to happen. There can be a oneness with ageless customs that help sustain civilization and culture and protect what is known and long-lasting, even while what is reliable changes.

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Description of Si from “Magic Diamond” (2020) by Dario Nardi  (PhD, neuroscience and personality researcher):

"Cautious Protecting" (Si): Stabilize with a predictable standard.

Review and practice to specialize and meet group needs. Constant practice “burns in” how-to knowledge and helps build your storehouse. Specialization helps you reliably fill roles and tasks. Improve when following a role-model or example. Easily track where you are in a task. Often review the past and can relive events as if you are there again. Carefully compare a situation to the customary ways you’ve come to rely. In touch with body sensations. Strong memory for kinship and details. Rely on repetition. Check what’s familiar, comforting, and useful. Tend to stabilize a situation and invest for future security. May over-rely on authority for guidance.

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Description of Si from “Dual Nature of Man” by Ausra Augustinaviciute 

We view an object's internal state as the relationship between events that precondition one another. This element perceives information about how processes are reflected by one's internal state. This includes the sense of one's own condition and the sensations of people evoked by this interdependence. Interaction in space is nothing more than a reflection of one object in another. Objects reflect in other objects, evoking certain sensations in one another. Such an individual perceives external information in form of sensations evoked by ongoing events. For example, the sensation of pain is essentially the reflection within a person's mind of a relationship between his functioning body and a process occurring in some part of the body that impedes this functioning.

When this element of perception is in the leading position, the individual has the ability to change the qualities of the surrounding space and influence the sensations of people within it. He is able to avoid physical discomfort and protect others from it. This element is defined bby the ability to recreate previously experienced aesthetic sensations. An excellent example is Peter Paul Rubens, who created his paintings not from nature, but from his memory of once experienced aesthetic sensations. By paintings, he sought to evoke in the viewer certain aesthetic experiences. Such creativity constitutes the recreation of an object that is able to provide other people with aesthetic sensations that were intended by its creator. When an individual of this type is preparing something, he starts from envisioning all the associated qualities that the final product will have.

These people are able to distinguish previously experienced aesthetic sensations from new ones. They are able to "collect" and remember them. This also presupposes that such individuals are able to contra-position their sensations to those of others, the ability to contend for their fulfillment, and the ability to mold and perfect not only one's own aesthetic tastes and habits, but also those of others. We might say that such individuals have the ability to impose their understanding of aesthetics and comfortable life on other people.

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Wikisocion description of Si 

Si is associated with the ability to internalize sensations and to experience them in full detail.

Si focuses on tangible, direct (external) connections (introverted) between processes (dynamic) happening in one time, i.e. the physical, sensual experience of interactions between objects. This leads to an awareness of internal tangible physical states and how various physical fluctuations or substances are directly transferred between objects, such as motion, temperature, or dirtiness. The awareness of these tangible physical processes consequently leads to an awareness of health, or an optimum balance with one's environment. The individual physical reaction to concrete surroundings is main way we perceive and define aesthetics, comfort, convenience, and pleasure.

In contrast to extroverted sensing Se, Si is related to following one's own needs instead of focusing on some externally-driven conception of what is necessary to acquire or achieve. So, whereas Se dominant types feel capable to evaluate how justified others' preferences are, Si dominant types will try to adjust to them in any way possible (given that it does not extremely affect their own comfort), wishing to minimize conflict.

In contrast to introverted intuition Ni, Si is about direct interaction and unity (or discord) with one's surroundings, rather than abstract process and causal links.

Types that value Si prefer to spend their time doing enjoyable activities rather than straining themselves to achieve goals. They like to believe that if activities are done with enjoyment, people will give them more effort and time, and also becoming more skilled at what they are doing in the long run. They believe that goals should suit people's intrinsic needs rather than shaped by the demands and constraints of the external world, and so do not try to force others into doing things they don't want to do. They also try to be easygoing and pleasant, preferring peaceful coexistence to conflict, except when their personal well-being or comfort is directly at stake.

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SENSING Introverted in the different typologies: 

Enneagram - Pearson's Archetypes - Gardner’s intelligences - Scholten's Stages

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Pearson's Archetypes (The 12 Brand Archetypes were developed and articulated in "The Hero and The Outlaw" by Margaret Mark and Carol Pearson): Everyman  -  Caregiver.

* THE EVERYMAN - “All men and women are created equal”

The Everyman seeks to be accepted by society and promote equality. They are motivated by a sense of belonging. The Everyman is known to be very relatable and wholesome, which helps them to foster authentic relationships with others. They are often hardworking, down to Earth individuals who yearn to have authentic relationships and simply just want to be accepted for who they are.

This archetype is also called the Citizen, Common Man, Good Neighbor, Good Old Boy, Member, Orphan, Person Next Door, Realist, Regular Jane, Regular Person, Silent Majority, or Working Stiff.

Tone: Authentic, Friendly, Direct, Honest, Inclusive, Inviting, Family-Focused, Practical, Realistic, Relaxed, Unpretentious, and Welcoming

Everyman Mindset:

Goal: To connect with others by embracing equality, and to feel a sense of belonging within their community

Strategy: To develop common virtues that are widely accepted among society

Motivation: Belonging & Enjoyment

CallLoneliness, alienation

Core desire: Connection with others

Gift: Realism, empathy, lack of pretense

Champions: Acceptance, Authenticity, Empathy, Equality, Hard-Work, Inclusivity, Dedication, Realisms, and Lasting Relationships

Super powers: Seeing people for their authentic selves and accepting them without pretense, despite their differences

Shadow: The victim who is willing to be abused rather than be alone, or the lynch-mob member, willing to go along with abuse in order to be one of the gang

Trap: The potential to lose their own identity trying too hard to blend in and be accepted by all

Fears: Being excluded from society; losing their self-identity in an attempt to blend in; being seen as superior

Turn-offs: Arrogance, Entitlement, Extravagance, Extroversion, Elitists, Isolation, and Judgement

Levels of the Everyman:

LEVEL 1 The orphan, feeling abandoned and alone, seeking affiliation

LEVEL 2 The joiner, learning to connect, fit in , accept help and friendship

LEVEL 3 The humanitarian, believing in the natural dignity of every person regardless of his or her abilities or circumstances.

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Last updating 04.02.2022



Si+Fe = ISFJ in MBTI = SEI in Socionics

The Socionics definition:

1Introverted SensingSiFe types have a strong connection to and ability to recognize internal physical states in themselves and others. They understand how these states are reached and are able to easily recreate or avoid them if desired. They are innately drawn to situations that satisfy their inner physical needs and experience. They are usually skilled at the art of recreation, enjoyment, and positive aesthetic experience.

SiFe types often feel that they are in a rush, both mentally and physically. Therefore, they can sometimes feel like they need to get everything done at once (which can be explained by the SiFe types base and role functions). When an SiFe type starts a personal project, they often have the tendency to try to get concrete results in the shortest amount of time, which can lead to rushing and carelessness. This could lead to the SiFe type becoming stressed and overworked.

Often unable to express their feelings well using words, the SiFe type will instead create "art" (artwork, food, writing, or any other aesthetic situations) to illustrate the comfort or discomfort that they are experiencing internally.

SiFe types try to make their living space comforting and appealing to the senses and strive to improve the lives of those they are close to.

2.  Extraverted Feeling. SiFe types are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around them, either from an individual, a group, or even from inanimate objects and their physical environment. A positive emotional atmosphere is essential to their sense of well being and inner peace, and they either try to create that atmosphere by directly influencing their surrounding, or by simply removing themselves from the situation or people that in their view is the cause of a negative emotional environment. In the former case they often use humor to lighten the atmosphere by cracking jokes and lighthearted teasing.


Si+Te = ISTJ in MBTI = SLI in Socionics

The Socionics definition:

1Introverted Sensing. SiTe types are naturally good at knowing what kinds of activities and stimuli will produce which sensations and physical states in themselves and the people around them. They are highly sensitive to sensations of internal discomfort and dissonance, or when someone or something is aesthetically out of place. They usually take quick action to remove the discomfort, dissonance, or misplacement so that things "feel right." They are attracted to material (concrete) objects which produce the "right" sensations and physical states, such as stereo systems which produce the best sounds or clothes that produce the best feelings either through their pleasant texture and ease of use or through their aesthetic appeal. They dislike it when others deny them of pleasurable material objects and can get quite possessive and territorial when claiming or re-claiming them.

SiTe types are skilled at recognizing and remembering their own and others' internal physical states and at imagining how different things would affect that state. When analyzing the behavior of themselves and others, they focus on these physical states and see them as determining much of a person's actions. They prefer to keep their lifestyle and living space simple and to avoid excessive, gaudy possessions and excessively complex living habits and duties. SiTe types encourage those they care about to take the time to experience pleasurable and soothing sensations, avoid getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and to listen to their bodies and their sincere inner desires. They can be concerned with their own health and those they know.

SiTe types are drawn to situations which allow them to maximize these physical states and like to dwell on soothing, pleasurable sensations, or the enjoyment of physical motion. They often seek physical and manual involvement in work activities. SLIs prefer to get involved in business projects rather than sit back and let things happen on their own (weak Ni too). SLIs are adept at portraying excitement and disgust through their physical gestures.

1. Extraverted Thinking. SiTe types typically have a dry, matter-of-fact speaking style and focus on conveying accurate information rather than emotions. They like to take note of and emphasize the usefulness or uselessness of things and how well things or people achieve their intended goals. SLIs are often masters at getting the greatest return from the fewest possible actions.

SiTe types place great emphasis on having high quality objects and people in the right places. They enjoy the process of analyzing and comparing different goods and services when making purchasing decisions and do not like to delegate this task to other people. They enjoy the process of assessing quality and functionality and finding the best price for the chosen option. They effectively and sparingly allot resources and discern between primary and secondary needs. They have a good sense for how much their work is worth and whether something is a good deal or not. They have little problem giving up work that brings too little return for the time and effort invested. They have no interest in careers in which they do not believe they are the best. SiTe types recognize fairness and conscientiousness (or the lack thereof) in other people and try to avoid working with those who cannot be trusted to follow through.

The SiTe type's objective and creative motive is to find materials, localities, spaces, and actions that will engage and move the senses and produce proper sensations within people. The SiTe type is essentially "a person's person". However, SiTe types are only keen on people from a distance, because people are objects varying in quality of nature. SiTe types do not prefer doing much complicated analysis (subdued Ti) and rather enjoy the process of synthesising things they sense. They understand their entire world by identifying what causes pleasant and unpleasant reactions. When identifying these, the SiTe type feels a sense of power because this allows them to adapt and use objects (and people) as he or she feels need.

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