Si+Fe = ISFJ in MBTI = SEI in Socionics

The Socionics definition:

1Introverted SensingSiFe types have a strong connection to and ability to recognize internal physical states in themselves and others. They understand how these states are reached and are able to easily recreate or avoid them if desired. They are innately drawn to situations that satisfy their inner physical needs and experience. They are usually skilled at the art of recreation, enjoyment, and positive aesthetic experience.

SiFe types often feel that they are in a rush, both mentally and physically. Therefore, they can sometimes feel like they need to get everything done at once (which can be explained by the SiFe types base and role functions). When an SiFe type starts a personal project, they often have the tendency to try to get concrete results in the shortest amount of time, which can lead to rushing and carelessness. This could lead to the SiFe type becoming stressed and overworked.

Often unable to express their feelings well using words, the SiFe type will instead create "art" (artwork, food, writing, or any other aesthetic situations) to illustrate the comfort or discomfort that they are experiencing internally.

SiFe types try to make their living space comforting and appealing to the senses and strive to improve the lives of those they are close to.

2.  Extraverted Feeling. SiFe types are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around them, either from an individual, a group, or even from inanimate objects and their physical environment. A positive emotional atmosphere is essential to their sense of well being and inner peace, and they either try to create that atmosphere by directly influencing their surrounding, or by simply removing themselves from the situation or people that in their view is the cause of a negative emotional environment. In the former case they often use humor to lighten the atmosphere by cracking jokes and lighthearted teasing.

A SiFe type can also take the role of a "clown" of sorts to ensure all people are emotionally light and comfortable. SiFe types are also capable of creating an intimate open atmosphere where others can be comfortable sharing their emotions or talking about their problems. SiFe types also tend to mirror and heighten the emotions experienced by the group dynamically.

SiFe types are generally unable to conceal their feelings because their faces are so emotionally expressive. They display their comfort and discomfort vividly, and can often be seen wearing the widest smiles or the longest frowns.

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